
Earn incentives for energy-efficient retrofits

Our 自定义改装补助金 program offers incentives for energy-efficient upgrades that are not covered by our suite of commercial energy-efficiency programs. If you’re planning an upgrade outside the scope of those programs that demonstrates quantifiable energy savings, we may be able to help you pay for it with a custom retrofit grant.

Commercial customers who have benefited from these custom retrofit grants include schools, 军事基地, 办公大楼, 杂货店, 生产地点, 博物馆等等.


看看旋转木马 at the bottom of this page to see more case study videos. You can also read even more in our case study library about the successes our 自定义改装补助金 customers have had.

刘易斯-麦科德联合基地 case study

刘易斯-麦科德联合基地 partnered with PSE to complete a large-scale heating upgrade that saved the base almost $185,每年的能源费用为3万英镑 and earned a nearly $1.6 million custom retrofit grant from PSE.


The 自定义改装补助金 program pays electric and gas incentives, which can cover up to 70% of the total cost of equipment and installation. Incentives are for qualifying upgrades only, and current maximum rates are listed below.

储蓄Up to 70% of eligible project costs

PSE engineers and project managers are here to help. Get in touch with us early in the upgrade process so that we can let you know if your project qualifies and then help you maximize your custom grant.


To be eligible for the 自定义改装补助金 program:

  • You must currently be a PSE business electric or gas customer.
  • You must be pre-approved by PSE prior to the installation of all energy-efficiency improvement measures.

Common custom measures covered by the 自定义改装补助金 program include space and process load boiler upgrades, the installation of variable frequency drives (VFDs) on fans or pumps, installation of heat-recovery equipment, 建筑围护结构改善, 高效冷却装置, 空气压缩机升级.

PSE no longer offers direct customer incentives for the replacement of large commercial 暖通空调 and commercial natural gas domestic water-heating equipment. We’ve moved our efforts to education and market transformation within the supply chain. We work directly with distributors to make sure high-efficiency equipment is available locally when you need it. Equipment not eligible for a custom retrofit grant includes: air-cooled air conditioners; water-cooled and evaporative-cooled air conditions; air-cooled heat pumps (greater than 5.4 tons); water-cooled heat pumps; condensing storage and tankless domestic water heaters; and condensing domestic hot water boilers.


To get pre-approved for a custom retrofit grant:

  1. 完成 申请改装补助金
  2. Please include any additional information that would help evaluate the project. This may include a project cost proposal, 图纸, 趋势数据, proposed equipment cut sheets and any energy-savings calculations you may have received.

问题? 与某人取得联系 能源顾问.


More energy-efficiency program options

Many common energy-efficiency upgrades are incentivized through other programs in our suite of commercial energy-efficiency offerings, several of which are listed below. For a complete list of programs, visit huangzhijian.com/mybusiness.

Midstream incentive program for small heat pumps and heat pump water heaters

Our Midstream program offers instant discounts to contractors on air-source heat pumps (less than or equal to 5.4 tons) and electric heat pump water heaters (less than 120 gallons). We encourage you to discuss high-efficiency options with your installing contractor. 了解更多 about PSE’s Midstream program.


For personalized advice, contact an 能源顾问.



刘易斯-麦科德联合基地: Find out how this military base earned almost $1.6 million in PSE incentives for a large-scale heating upgrade.

塔科马玻璃博物馆: Beautiful art created with an 高效的合作.